Client: The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art
A groundbreaking exhibition of Plains Indian masterworks, The Plains Indians: Artists of Earth and Sky. Organized by quai Branly in partnership with the Nelson-Atkins in collaboration with The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. Curated by Gaylord Torrence, one of the nation’s leading scholars of Plains Indian art and the Fred and Virginia Merrill Senior Curator of American Indian Art at the Nelson-Atkins.
Produced for The Nelson Atkins Museum of Art.
Length: 3 mins 14 secs
Year: 2014
Format: HD, Color
Country: USA/France
Director: Pedro Pablo Celedón
Executive Producers: Nelson Atkins Museum
Camera: Pedro Pablo Celedón
Sound: Milenko Skoknic
Music: Lucas Celedón
Editing: Pedro Pablo Celedón
Portfolio Categories: Recent.