Voces Vivas: Gilbert “Magu” Luján
The beating heart of LA Starts Here! is Voces Vivas, an original short film series featuring interviews with a broad spectrum of Mexican Americans. Intimate, opinionated, and provocative, these films personalize the Mexican American experience through the individual stories of the interview subjects, enriching the understanding of Mexican and Mexican American history and culture in Los Angeles.
The Voces Vivas project was conceived by Los Angeles filmmaker Pedro Pablo Celedón and produced by Barefoot Productions. The pilot program “Sandra Romero” won a Silver Remi Award at the 2011 Houston International Film Festival.
Length: 3 mins, 20 secs
Year: 2013
Format: HD, Color
Country: USA
Director, Producer: Pedro Pablo Celedón
Associate Producer: Milenko Skoknic
Camera: Pedro Pablo Celedón & Milenko Skoknic
Sound: Milenko Skoknic
Editing: Jay Miracle